Highway crews in B.C. have raised concerns about the number of truck drivers passing snowplows through the Rogers Pass.
When cleaning up after a winter storm system in the B.C. mountains last week, highway workers said there were several near misses on the Trans-Canada Highway through the pass, as trucks passed snowplows going downhill on Beaver Hill and Heather Hill in Glacier National Park.

“Both these stretches have uphill passing lanes only! The snowplow drivers are working hard to keep up with changing conditions and help keep all highway travellers safe. We are hoping you can help remind drivers to also do their part,” the external relations manager for the Mount Revelstoke and Glacier National Parks told industry groups in a memo.
It reminds truck drivers to: adjust driving to conditions; be patient with plows; only pass snowplows on the left when it’s safe to do so (there is a passing lane or the driver moves over to allow passing); and to have chains and know how to use them.
“We want everyone to get home safely. We are reminding all drivers to be safe (not just commercial drivers) but these specific incidents have all been large trucks. If the snowplow drivers are aware of the trucking companies in these incidents, we will reach out to them directly,” the memo read.
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