Time is running out to apply for the annual OOIDA Mary Johnston Scholarship, which has awarded nearly half a million dollars since it was established in 1998.
The scholarship, which is awarded to the children, grandchildren and legal dependents of Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association members, provides funds for those seeking a higher education.
Each year, five scholarship recipients are selected.
The application and cover letter to be submitted are available for download on the OOIDA website.
Those materials must be postmarked no later than Feb. 1.
The Scholarship Advisory Committee will select the winners through a blind evaluation.
Annually, OOIDA awards one $2,000 per year and four $1,000 per year scholarships. Mary Johnston Scholarship awards are transferred directly to the student’s selected institution and can be renewed for a total of four years. Those funds can be used for tuition or any legitimate school-related expenses.
For more information on the scholarship program, email [email protected] or write to:
Andrew King
OOIDA Mary Johnston Scholarship Program
Grain Valley, MO 64029
To join the growing list of scholarship sponsors, use the donation form at OOIDA.com/Scholarship-Program or mail a donation to:
OOIDA Foundation Inc.
Grain Valley, MO 64029
The OOIDA Foundation is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt education and safety foundation and a wholly owned subsidiary of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association. All contributions are tax-deductible and help fund important programs that benefit small-business truckers. In addition to the scholarship program, the OOIDA Foundation’s offerings include research on working conditions, training videos on safety-related issues and more. LL
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