Truckers traveling through Arizona will now have real-time information when it comes to available truck parking at rest areas along Interstate 10.
On Monday, Jan. 27, the Arizona Department of Transportation launched the I-10 Truck Parking Availability System. The goal of the system is to “enhance safety and help empower the economy” by providing truckers with the total number of available parking spots at upcoming rest areas.
Monitoring systems located at each of the rest areas track the number of available truck parking spaces at each site and share that information to electronic signs located ahead of the facilities. The DOT said the information will be available on the Arizona Traveler Information website and will also be shared with “third-party sources used by truck drivers.”
According to the department, the $2.8 million system has been installed at the following rest areas:
The Arizona DOT said the system will hopefully help truckers find safe parking more quickly, citing a 2020 poll conducted by the I-10 Corridor Coalition that indicated 78% of drivers spent more than 30 minutes looking for a place to park.
“The real-time information provided through the Truck Parking Availability System helps truckers get the rest they need without having to use places that aren’t designated for truck parking,” ADOT said.
The opinions of truckers played a part in establishing the system. This past October, the coalition opened a survey for drivers to provide feedback on their experiences parking along the I-10 corridor through California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
Launching the availability system is part of Arizona’s efforts to address trucking parking issues across the state. In December 2023, ADOT unveiled its Truck Implementation Parking Plan, which proposed building three new lots and expanding parking at certain rest areas. In total, the plan is expected to generate an additional 842 parking spaces in Arizona. LL
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