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CargoNet, a Verisk business, warns of increased cargo theft risks during the Thanksgiving holiday period.
CargoNet analysis of supply chain intelligence reveals 174 significant theft events during a critical six-day window from the Tuesday before Thanksgiving through the following Monday over the past five years. Criminals targeted semi-tractors, trailers, and cargo through various schemes, including identity fraud.
Key takeaways:
- CargoNet analysts identified the Monday following Thanksgiving as the peak day for criminal activity, coinciding with a surge in identity fraud complaints.
- The geographic analysis shows clear concentrations of criminal activity. San Bernardino County and Los Angeles County, Calif., along with Cook County in Illinois, emerge as the primary hotspots during this period.
- Investigation of targeted commodities reveals consistent patterns in thief preferences. Criminals focused primarily on freight all-kinds (FAK) shipments, hard liquor, and vehicle accessories, particularly tires and motor oil.
- CargoNet has already recorded over 450 fictitious pickup attempts in 2024; that number will likely exceed last year’s record levels.
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